Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The beach....

We had lunch on our last day at the beach at The Crab Shack.  Totally touristy, which is usually not our style, but totally delicious food.  The weather was great (after a rather chilly 2 days) and we loved the view.  The kids loved seeing the alligators!

 We also hit the beach one last time.  I packed 6 outfits for Declan for a 2 day visit.  He wore every last stitch of them.  Every time he went near the water, he went in.  Terefech was freezing by the time we left.  We washed them with bottled water at the car, put them in clean clothes and we were off!

 A crab and a complete sand dollar-two incredible finds!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Looks like fun. I love the water and wish we lived closer!