Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Olympics

Someone commented to me the other day that I was still traveling.  Nope, just that far behind on blogging!!!  We love the Olympics and watch them as much as we can.  We let the kids stay up late and we stay up way too late night after night.  The kids caught the fever and staged their own Olympic race complete with fans from their respective countries.

 Ready to race.  Rich was from Great Britain and had no fans.

They had so much fun.  It was wonderful to see them excited about seeing the athletes perform.  There were so many good lessons about race (Terefech had lots of questions about why only brown people play certain sports and not others), different countries and traditions, perseverance, being tough, honoring your country.  It was amazing the insight and questions young children have.  Now we just have to wait until 2014 for our next Olympic fix!!!

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