Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Triathlon day!

The day dawned beautiful and brisk.  37 degrees when Rich got in the water!

 Pictures are all mixed up...here he is transitioning onto the bike.  He said it was hard to put your clothes on in the changing tent.  Shivering excessively does that to you!

 We spent time at the NC aquarium while Rich was being crazy.  It was all decked out for Halloween.

 It was fun to see him in the different parts of the tri and he did a great job pretending he was feeling super!

 Finish line during the day...

 What we did while we waited for Rich to finish...entertain ourselves.  The kids were troopers...they only started to melt down after hours and hours of waiting.

 Here he comes...
 This is the finish line at night...proud of our two time Ironman.  He says he is retired, we'll see!
 Here he is warming up after the swim.  I can't imagine.

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