Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Declan's masterpiece

Declan has gotten into requesting things be put on the blog. Today was one such day. He has not been much of a drawer, rather preferring the scribble approach. I knew he could draw things if you modeled them but he was never really interested in drawing. So, today, he told Rich to look at what he had done and there it was. For those of you not so good at interpreting art, that is the three of us on the top and Maggie, our dog, on the bottom.

Close up view of Maggie. She must be a fast dog with all those legs!
If you haven't figured it out by now, the one with the red hair is Declan!


Jill said...

I love that he has red hair! Great picture!

kemishener said...

Where can I purchase one?

Amanda said...

What a great masterpiece! Good job Declan!!

TB said...
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