Saturday, July 25, 2009

The latest from Declan

So we are driving home from some errands today and Declan informs us that when he gets home he would be playing in the National Balloon Basketball Fight. Asking what that meant we were then informed that all the best balloon basketball teams would be playing. Now for those of you who aren't up on sports, balloon basketball is played in our living room with yes, you guessed it balloons. It consists of quite a bit of running around with balloons, throwing them, blocking and often wondering how you actually get points. But I digress...we were told there Declan's team, the Chick a Rock Band team was the best, in the whole wide, wide, wide, wide, wide world, all the way to Pluto and in fact the best team all the way to Heaven. I then opened my big mouth to ask if his team was better than God's team...of course yes his team was. This resulted upon our arrival at home of the Chick a Rock Band team playing God's team. Rich and I appropriately routed for God's team informing Declan (when he asked why) that we just had to...he's God. Later on we found out that God really wasn't playing, just some of his guys. It was hysterical to hear him say things like, "Oh, I just blocked God, " " God just got a point." The kid has a great imagination!

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