Saturday, July 7, 2012

Things I know about...

After Terefech had been with us for a couple of weeks, I wrote a post here about all the things I knew about Terefech.  Terefech and Declan are lucky to have cousins, Suzanna and Brandon, who make personalized albums for them once or twice a year.  That summer, they took my blog post and turned it word for word into a song.  It is still one of our favorites.  But now we often talk about which parts are still we decided we needed to do an update.  Here it goes...things I know about...

Her favorite color is still yellow.
She still loves Ethiopian food but also loves tacos and pizza and loves to put really spicy stuff on everything.
Her brother is cool most of the time.
She can swing really high all by herself.
She loves to drink lemonade.
She is still very specific about the clothes she likes and the ones she doesn't.
She still smiles a lot.
She is learning to read.
She loves the pool and playing in the water.
She like drawing pictures of herself and her friends.
She has best friends.
She loves school.
She thinks she might be a zoologist when she grows up and wants to study penguins.
She wants to live someplace where the weather is perfect all the time.

His favorite color is still orange.
He loves to eat tacos, pizza and watermelon.
He loves having a sister even when she annoys him.
He loves to drink water and milkshakes.
Drums are his favorite instrument to play.
His favorite artist is Jackson Pollack.
We have to make him stop reading at night especially when he is reading science stuff!
He thinks everyone should know about Higgs Boson and is surprised when you don't.
He still won't put his face in the water.
He loves school and learning.
He thinks he might be an astro physicist, F16 fighter pilot or a Lego master builder when he grows up.
He wants to live in a log cabin in the woods when he grows up.
He can spend hours building with Lego bricks.

They are great kids....I could go on but they told me to stop!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

They ARE great kids!!