Friday, June 28, 2013

Beach day 2

We will start with the most remarkable part of the day first.  Jill, Luke, Evan and Maiya and I stopped at the market to get a few things.  Jill went in while I stayed in the car with the kids.  We noticed when we pulled in that this red truck had a license plate in the front that said Santa and was from Alaska.  And then the owner came was Santa.  I was not wise enough to get a pic while he was there with us but you can just see him putting his cart away through the window.  The kids rolled down the windows and stared in astonishment.  He was wonderful, chatted, was appropriately Santa enough and gave them caught you being good coins.  Too cool!
 The kids spent quite a bit of time playing in the sand.

 Different kingdoms were built preparing for the battle that would ensue.

 And Chief Wahoo made an appearance as always.

Proof that kids don't need much to be entertained.  They had so much fun battling at the end of the day...all kingdoms were destroyed in the end!

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