Saturday, April 2, 2011

And so it goes...

We don't have too much excitement going on these days.  Just going to school, work, birthday parties, working in the garden and hanging out.  So here are some pictures from this past week.

We got new crayons this past week.  That is exciting for me and really Terefech's first new box of crayons.  Who knew that box could provide so much learning and entertainment?  There are so many colors and the crayons sharpener.  Luckily we had a few old crayons she shaved down to nubs!  One of the lucky parts was that on the box it showed us that you could turn a picture into a color page at crayola. com with the use of a code inside the box.  So, below is the picture she chose and then painstakingly recreated it with crayons.  Very proud!

Terefech and Daddy working in the garden.  We used all of our compost this year.  Unfortunately for us, the dog will now eat a lot of it but hopefully the garden will reap some benefit.

This morning the kids secretly got dressed.  They were very impressed with themselves!  Twins, we always knew it.  
And then they needed to pose a bunch of different ways...just to show their swing set talents!

And one more tidbit Rich wanted me to post....we went to dinner last night.  A song was playing and Rich commented, "Oh, it's a song by the Scorpions."  "No daddy, this is Judas Priest."  Yep, that's Declan and his never ending musical knowledge.

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